Parish Pastoral Council - St Anthony's Parish Drayton Valley

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Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Info
The Pastoral Parish Council volunteer committee gives the pastor help and recommendations regarding the pastoral needs within the parish. A pastoral council is only a consultative and advisory in nature, as the pastor has the final say in every matters in the parish. In brief, the work of the pastoral council is pastoral planning.

Pastoral councils were first recommended in Vatican II’s “Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops.”  Parish Pastoral Councils study pastoral issues, reflect on them, and recommend conclusions. This threefold process may be called “pastoral planning.”

  • The purpose of councils: The main work of the council is pastoral planning, but many councils mistakenly think that the job is to coordinate a system of committees.
  • The meaning of “pastoral: Pastoral means that the council helps the pastor do his job by investigating, considering, and offering him their conclusions.
  • The parish pastoral council meetings at St. Anthony's Parish are usually held on the 4th Tuesday of every month from September to June after the mass at 7.00 p.m.

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